Hey all European`s Stuff fan. You all might wondering how exactly this blog work right. In this post, I will tell you how exactly I operate this blog.
You can see many picture of cool stuff in this blog. Some of them have names, tag, label and prices. But some haven´t. Here is the deal. If you find one or more of those stuff interesting and you really want to have it, tell me as soon as possible. Some of them I've already bought. And for that case, you can know the price of that item right away.
For some other case, I don't even have the stuff yet. But I do know how find that stuff. More precisely, I do know how to buy that stuff with much cheaper price compare with market price. How do I do it?
Sometimes I also place bid for some item in auction. If you are lucky, I can get your item much cheaper than the origanal price. For example, I won a bid for my Binary watch for only RM300. FYI, the original price of this watch was RM699. See? How much have I saved. After I got your item, I will deliver it to you with DHL or any other available Courier services. But please keep this in mind. This is not a business. It is just a hobby.
For more information, hit me on my facebook.
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